Monday, March 21, 2016

More assemblages

Polo and I have been having fun making found art assemblages. We call them "awesomeblages". This trio was made from used paint brushes and a palette knife. The colors of each reminded me of certain famous artists and thus inspired their names.

Deputy Pollock
Mixed media

 Manny Monet
Mixed media

Señor Pablo
Mixed media

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fresh Clams

Fresh Clams
18" by 18"
Oil with a palette knife on cradled board

I've painted this before at a smaller size but I wanted to revisit it at a larger scale. This is inspired by a photo of from a 1973 family vacation to the New Jersey shore. Can you believe how inexpensive fresh clams were back then? I actually don't remember doing the actual "clamming" but I do remember these vacations we used to take every year to Jersey shore-before it was made popular by the reality TV show. That's me on the far right with my two sisters next to me, and our family friends (the blondes) round out the group.

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