Dancer I by CAT
Textured Gesso over Acrylic
18" x 24"
Dancer II by CAT
Textured Gesso over Acrylic
18" x 24"

Football Player by CAT
Textured Gesso over Acrylic
18" x 24"
Available $53
I've been experimenting in the studio with a new technique that is fast and loose.
I started with a black canvas, then painted swatches of colorful acrylic paint on top. I then added a thick layer of gesso and texturized it with a rubber catalyst. With the end of a paint brush, I then drew in the figure lifting up the paint to reveal the colors underneath.
While in art school, I always loved the drawing warm up exercise of quick gestural studies of the figure. The model would change poses every 30 seconds or so and you had to keep up. I tried to keep these loose and quick like those drawings had to be.
Since these are very different from my palette knife work, I am creating and selling these under a pseudonym CAT. Here is the branding I created for her work which I made into tags that hang on the paintings.
You might have noticed the little cat face I used to sign the work on the front. And here is how I sign the work on the back.