Thiebaud Sushi
4" x 4"
Oil with a palette knife on canvas
Last night, I gave the latest
Different Strokes for Different Folks challenge a whirl. Here is the photo Karin Jurick posted.

I think food is difficult to photograph
and to paint. I mulled over how to tackle this piece for the entire 2 weeks. I even went to my favorite sushi place, Snappy Sushi on Newbury Street, for lunch one day to get inspired. Then, one of my favorite artists suddenly came to mind, Wayne Thiebaud. I love the way he so deliciously depicts food in his work and so my version of sushi was inspired by his wonderful paintings of cakes and pies. In particular, I envisioned how the composition of this painting could work with sushi.

Below is my final piece.

This is only about 3.5" by 3.5" but I really laid on the paint, didn't I? It was kind of like icing a cake. And finally, here is a photo of the Theibaud inspirations I had on hand as I worked.

Here is a redo of my photograph which had some glare spots on it. The color of this image is probably closer to my original and more Thiebaudlike. I find getting a good image of your painting is one of the biggest challenges in art. Any suggestions from others are welcome.

Ok-now I am obsessing. I think this photo looks too blown out now. My painting is really somewhere in between the one above and this one. Maybe I need a new camera. The one I have is a Canon but several years old and only 4 mega pixels. Anyone use a camera to take photos of their art that they really like ?
The insprition worked for you! Looks great! I love the layout and the texture!
I love how you lay on the paint and give it such texture. I am going to try it next time.
Wonderful job, Ann. I love it.
Good idea! Thiebaud has long been one of my favorites. I think he's still teaching.
p.s., I have a few photoshop tips on my blog...check the right hand panel.
Nice job on the sushi painting, I had trouble photographing mine too.
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