Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Dresses

Easter Dresses

10" by 10" by 1.5"
Oil with a palette knife on cradled canvas

This painting was another commissioned piece painted from a family photograph. I'm not sure if this was actually Easter, but I thought it was appropriate to post for Easter time. That's Julie's mom, Dolly, and her girls all dressed up in matching dresses. How cute is that? It is painted on a 10" by 10" artist board with my palette knife family.

Happy Easter weekend everybody!


txartist62 said...

BEAUTIFUL! your work is amazing! Happy Easter to you too!

kerry hawkins art and photo said...

Happy Easter. This painting is great

Debra Keirce said...

I'm amazed at how much detail you get using your knife technique - an on a small format piece as well! Bravo!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Ann - little did I know what else you bare ll painting.!I like your people paintings. And the flowers.

Great to have met you.

Alexa Fleckenstein M.D., physician, author.

Ann Gorbett said...

Hey-thanks for visiting the blog, Alexa. Class was fun. Glad to have met you as well. Keep up with the botanical painting!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ann, Of course I had to write and say that when leaving a comment the validation word was "polouno"---what a riot!

Thanks for the well-wishes. I was fighting a bug but not due to the beloved cheesy-fry goodness!


Easter Dresses said...

That's a great painting. I really like the color mixture.

JudyMackeyart said...

Hi, it's nice to meet another palette knife artist! I love this painting of the Easter dresses - Beautifully done!

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