Every year, the judges critiques include comments like, "I don't get a sense of who you are or who you want to be as a recording artist." It's clear that many of the contestants just do what they think the judges will like or want them to do. My favorite contestant this year is Chrystal Bowersox. I love her because she is not the usual contestant you see every year. She does not seem to give in to all the hype, glamour, or apparently the pressure to do whatever the judges advise her to do. This past Wednesday night, Ryan said to her, "Kara is telling you to put down the guitar, Simon is telling you to keep the guitar, who do you listen to?" and she replied without missing a beat, "me." End of story.
I believe that the same is true for art. It's so easy to get caught up into what you think galleries are looking for, what people tell you is marketable, or what will sell quickly. But if you don't paint what you enjoy, what's the point? I am a firm believer in painting what you're excited about or can't wait to create. I think that will show in your work and soon others will feel it too.
I recently saw this quote on Katherine A. Cartwright's blog "Don't try to paint a good landscapes. Paint canvases that will show how interesting the landscape looks to you-your pleasure in the thing." And another that said, "don't paint the pig, paint the squeal." Those really resonate with me as I struggle to find my voice and express who I want to be as an artist. Gotta go find that squeal...
Good golly, Ann. To my mind, you have found your 'squeal!' You have a beautiful style all of your own and it seems you choose every painting because you like the subject. Still and yet, I've often found myself thinking of those successful artists who sell and sell and sell...Do they still enjoy their work? Has it become a job, and worse, a job one dreads? I sure hope not. My personal feeling is that the heart, soul, and need to paint (whatever medium) is a success in and of itself!
Thanks Sherry. Your comments are very insightful and encouraging. I will keep on squealing then. LOL!
Excellent, Ann. :) You'll have to start a conversation around this topic in class. It's one I love love love.
I wholly agree with this advice. I've heard similar advice - "don't paint the object - paint the light".
very well said, annie :) and i couldn't agree more (and i also have the same favorite american idol - she is amazing and uniquely talented and i've loved her from day one :). you definitely have a unique style all your own - and it always seems like you ENJOY what you paint (and it shows through). i especially LOVE the recent painting of your friend's 2 little girls, btw :) you are an amazing talent. squeal on!:)~
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