But during the first part of the meeting they planned to announce the ribbon winners for the current Spring Member's show. The room we hold our meetings in is the same room where they hang the paintings for the shows. What a wonderful display of talent. I am always so impressed. Well, I can't even tell you my delight and surprise when I heard my name called as the winner of an Honorable Mention ribbon in the Oil/Acrylic category. I've never won a ribbon before (and was so glad there were no speeches required. Ha!) Here is the painting that won called Afternoon in the City.

But wait, there's more.
When the announcement for the Best In Show was read, well that was my name too. I can't even explain how surprised, delighted, and absolutely thrilled I was as I accepted the beautiful light colored teal ribbon. You would have had to have been there to see my face. "You've got to be kidding, right?" Here is the painting that won called Abstract #1.
I'm so proud. What a wonderful honor.
Hurray hurray!
Well these people sure know the heck what they're talking about. These were some of my favorite pieces too!!!
Congratulations Ann!!! What a shot in the arm to hit two homeruns! I'm sure this is just the beginning of many more awards to come.
Congratulations!!!! Both of these paintings are brilliant - it is no wonder you won a prize. Keep it up!!!! (liking your mini masters series - it rocks too)
How well I recognize that last painting! LOL I struggled with that scene from Karin's Different Strokes blog. Congratulations on your wins, Ann! I am not at all surprised because I've loved every piece you do. These are no exceptions! I look forward always to seeing what you do next!
Good work!
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