There is a wonderful student show at the Transportation Building in Boston right now. It's the Annual Scholastic Art Gold and Silver Key award winners. I took some photos of some of the pieces that caught my eye but overall I was so impressed.
This is a detail of a drawing by Anna Viccica. I loved how you could see the texture of the paper coming through. Exquisite.
There were several large self portraits from one school in Belmont which were fantastic. This wall held most of them. Hats off to this art teacher encouraging his/her students to work this large. I don't remember ever doing something this big in high school. And the technical skill was outstanding. Below are a few close ups of two of my favorites.
I loved the artwork on this boot. Take a close look at the detail if you can. Amazing. It is so inspiring to see such wonderful art coming out of our high schools.
Amazing works! Thanks for sharing them. I'm just happy when I hear they have art programs going. It seems like they are the first thing cut during budget season.
Wonderful! How inspiring is right. Looks like a wonderful place to have stopped into. Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful post, Ann! This looks like my kind of show. If I could ever encourage a student I sure would. I tried and still try to encourage my daughter. She too is a fabulous artist but no real drive. Wish I could have browsed with you!
You are quite the artist, keep up the good work.
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